we declare Your Perfection above and beyond all: we have no knowledge whatsoever except what You have taught us. No doubt it is You, and You alone that is all Knowledgeable and all Wise. (al-Baqarah, 32)

Sunday, May 19, 2019

The Untitled

This is a poem I wrote in April 2016 that I've never published anywhere. I never even thought of a title for it. Keeping it here for posterity.

Oh the things I keep forgetting
I tried to remember but from my mind they keep slipping

Too concerned about working
I forgot come time for sleeping

I forgot the family that is waiting
I forgot friends who are coming

I forgot the song I was humming
I forgot to whom I was singing

There is one just thing I have been trying
But alas my poor heart could not bear forgetting

Oh of you, I wish my mind could stop thinking

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