we declare Your Perfection above and beyond all: we have no knowledge whatsoever except what You have taught us. No doubt it is You, and You alone that is all Knowledgeable and all Wise. (al-Baqarah, 32)

Saturday, February 9, 2008


picture taken from g4's site

If you think its the title of some B rate movie, you are WRONG. Its something much, much more bizzare. Take a moment and pick a guess. Go ahead... I'll give you all 5 spaces to think.
All done? Ok, now for the moment of truth. 'English of the dead' is the title for an upcoming DS game. In it, you battle hordes of zombies by.... translating Japanese sentences into English! Let me give a close up on how the gameplay works. When the zombie hordes close in on your DS screens, texts in Japanese will pop up on screen. When this happens, players will have to quickly rewrite the text in English. What follows is the zombies' death but not before they scream the English text. What a way to go. Hilarious, but at the same time revolutionary in its own right. The Japanese sure are good at making quirky games but most of the time, they seem to be able to sell. Look at brain training or cooking mama for instance. As a future teacher, one can't help but to wonder if this game might be a good tool for learning English. Hrmm...


Read above.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


After 1 month hiatus, Najibu is now back to write more seemingly unnecessary blog post. Also, with the coming of new year, I figure I should give the page it's much needed facelift. It might not be drastically different than the previous one but if you're looking for for a page with cloyingly cute decoratives or goth-like whatever, you've got the wrong page dude...cos I'm all for plainness. Is there even a real word??
I wanna dash through the little stuffs that I might have written about if I had the virtue to over the last 1 month :

has not changed much, for better or for worse.

needs abang Am to be around more - the other cook can't cook!

are equally good at gossiping.
encode and decode meaning differently and usually conflict ensues...

are those people who don't talk bad about you or your girlfriend behind your back.

THE PS3....
is finally showing some promise now that my xbox360 is broken

conviced me that purple is the color.

p/s: Happy chinese new year to you, whoever you may be. I'm grateful for you reading this semi-rant post. Have a nice day
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