we declare Your Perfection above and beyond all: we have no knowledge whatsoever except what You have taught us. No doubt it is You, and You alone that is all Knowledgeable and all Wise. (al-Baqarah, 32)

Thursday, November 14, 2019


Dedicated to my dearest wife, Izanin Sofya, and our (as of now) three children Waliyya, Yahya, and Dehya.

It's November 14th, 2019. My 34th birthday - the last one for this decade. When I was a child, 2020 seemed like a far future. Now it's just a month from now. So should this space exists in the far flung future when you, my children, are all grown up, and I may even have left this world, I hope you will find this time capsule.
Waliyya, our first born. Your mom and I weren't blessed with children for the first 4 years of our marriage. You had a little bit of speech problem growing up - you started speaking properly quite late. But at 6 now, you're an absolute chatterbox! Sometimes to a point which annoys me - but I love you all the same girl. You'll be attending your first year of school next year. I wonder what kind of girl you'll turn up to be.

Yahya. You're 4 this year. You have your mom's skin tone and eyes. And you love to play video games. Maybe a little too much. But hey, apple doesn't fall far from the tree yeah? Just so you know, I only started playing at 7 or 8 years old so chances are, if you're still playing as of the time you're reading this, you'd probably be a killer player. lol. Oh, you're also the hardest to take care out of your 3 siblings. I hope you'll grow up to be a fine young man.

 Dehya, you're 2 years old this year. Surprisingly, you're the most independent of the bunch, and causing the least amount of trouble and worry. Or maybe it's too soon to say? We'll see.

And least but not least (cliché, I know) my wife of 10 years, and best friend well before that. I know the last couple of years of our marriage has been rocky, but we persevered, you and I, where some others might have not. And we came out stronger from it. You're my source of light and love. I could not imagine what live would be without you by my side (literally and figuratively). Thank you. Thank you. Thank you

Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Greatest Show

Hi blog. Been a while.

Before I go into the topic proper, is worth mentioning that this is the first time in this blog's not-so-storied history that I've written an entry entirely on my phone. Things sure have changed a lot since it's inception, when the best thing I could do on my phone was to play Snake!

But I digress!

The point of today's (or most possibly this years) entry is about my new favourite movie. Finally, a movie that could potentially dethrone Speed Racer (which I wrote about way back when Here) as my favouritest movie of all time. That movie is of course, as the title above suggests - 'The Greatest Showman'!

Disclaimer: Speed Racer will however, most probably be unchallenged in my book of records as the movie I watched most repeatedly at the cinema - must've been five or six times lol)

The Greatest Showman unfortunate will not have that opportunity, cos I only watched it almost 2 years after it's released.

By the way, I'm just realising the limitations of blogging on the phone (it's not pleasant!) so I'm gonna keep this as short as possible to save myself the torture. So let's get down to the nitty gritty.

What is it with The Greatest Showman that I love so much?

#1 For sure the music! I've come full circle into becoming a music junkie again, and boy the music in this movie, even for a musical, is absolutely remarkable in every way. In fact, I'm listening to the album on Spotify as I'm writing right now!

#2 It's a feel good story. In a time of life when I feel stressed out more often than I'd have liked, I can't help but to put on a smile everytime I watch this movie.

#3 I can somewhat relate to the conflicts presented to the characters so bonus points there!

Ok my hand is getting cramped trying to write on the phone already so I'll just stop my rambling here. If for whatever reason somebody else still reads this blog, go ahead and watch The Greatest Showman of you haven't already. And if you've already did, go watch it again.

And if you don't like it, you're a bad person who I hopefully will never have around me as company.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Tablet of Stone

Tablet of stone
Carved over time
Hammer on chisel
Little by little

Now that it's done
Let it be forgotten
Throw it in a chest
Fasten it in chains
Throw away the key
And toss it away
Into the bottom of
The endless ocean

Be out of sight
Be out of mind
Be forever gone
Be forgotten

Tablet of stone
Long though it left alone
Its carving may yet last
Until oblivion

Sunday, May 19, 2019

The Untitled

This is a poem I wrote in April 2016 that I've never published anywhere. I never even thought of a title for it. Keeping it here for posterity.

Oh the things I keep forgetting
I tried to remember but from my mind they keep slipping

Too concerned about working
I forgot come time for sleeping

I forgot the family that is waiting
I forgot friends who are coming

I forgot the song I was humming
I forgot to whom I was singing

There is one just thing I have been trying
But alas my poor heart could not bear forgetting

Oh of you, I wish my mind could stop thinking

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