we declare Your Perfection above and beyond all: we have no knowledge whatsoever except what You have taught us. No doubt it is You, and You alone that is all Knowledgeable and all Wise. (al-Baqarah, 32)

Friday, April 24, 2009

Lucky number 7?

It's my first pay day for me today (technically, yesterday) since the last 4 months I've been employed. Somehow, the amount was a little less that what I had expected. my pay should have been RM2300 so i should have gotten over 8k. Ithought that my school clerk had totally messed things up for me (he very often does).

After some conversation with fellow teacher and good friend The Seng (bukan nama sebenar), it made total sense, since I'm only getting just over half of my full pay for January. What is neat is that the amount of pay I received + whatever balance I had in the bank resulted to an unsangkarable amount of RM7777...and a few cents which totally blew it! I even thought twice on withdrawing money! Though, I did anyways.

On another note, my dear fiancee just turned 24 within the last 24 hours, but I can't even wish her properly. Shucks.. Anyways, if you are reading this : Congrats, you're now officially older than me, and I still love you all the same =)

9 free comments:

Jarod Yong said...

I wonder what you did with the money?
New games?

Anonymous said...

donnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnt withdraw it!!!
wait for next month's pay! ;p

Anonymous said...

hey najib, what happened to the rest of the moneee...? have u talked to ur clerk about that..? huhu...

people here in sabah, 4 months pay = almost 16k. more than enuff to prepare for the wedding.. gaagagaga....

neway, hope the rest will b banked in soon, like next month or so.. :)

Anonymous said...

thank goodness you got your pay this month.. if still dont have.. you should arm yourself like oo7 and storm into the clerk's office.. =P

Najib Azmi said...

jarod: most of it is gonna be channeled for the wedding...but i guess i could spare some for a couple of games ;)

anon: too late!

mien: elaun 500 x dpt lg cos my school clerk as well as the clerk in PPD rompin is inneficient! doubt will even get it by next month, but gonna pester the clerk till i do...

ah ta~m: that was one of my options..hehe

soyasofya said...

thanks! i still love the same too!

hafiz said...

same wif my clerk yg inefficient...aku tak dpt2 lagi elaun perumahan wilayah...sakit btol r...

bem69 said...

RM2300 for teaching ek? Maybe I should start teaching huahuahua can't teach for the life of me.

7777 is a cool number siot

Najib Azmi said...

thats minus the other allowances so shud get a bit more than that.. yeah, the pay is alright, but tak bley la mengajar...

tu la! better than a jackpot right..hehe

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