we declare Your Perfection above and beyond all: we have no knowledge whatsoever except what You have taught us. No doubt it is You, and You alone that is all Knowledgeable and all Wise. (al-Baqarah, 32)

Thursday, May 21, 2009


I have something I really want to write

But I really haven't got the time to

But I still want to write something, now that I have this rare opportunity to.

So, this is it. A post!

There. That made me feel a bit better =)

6 free comments:

Jarod Yong said...

You are so LAME!!

fin said...

kawai sou....

soyasofya said...

and r u sure you r doing ok? am going out tomorrow. hopefully for good. amin. talk later! hugs!

Najib Azmi said...

j: i know. i lament at the lameness of this post

fin: henji o kangaerarenai...

soya: perfectly ok!

sd. said...

there. an entry.

this is what we call addiction.


hafiz said...

ko sakit ke najib?
ke ko ade byk free time?

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